Our Investment Packages

Our Platform Is Designed To Offer Crypto Investors
A Simple Way To Access The Crypto Investment Market.

Stable Plan

  • 10% After 24hours
  • Min $50 - Max $5,000
  • Automatic Withdrawal

Conservative Plan

  • 30% After 48hours
  • Min $6,000 - Max $20,000
  • Automatic Withdrawal

Moderate Plan

  • 84% After 72 hours
  • Min $20,000 - Max $80,000
  • Automatic Withdrawal

Aggressive Plan

  • 120% After 96 hours
  • Min $80,000 and above
  • Automatic Withdrawal

See All Our Plans

Mining Packages

Webul offers you the best Mining plans. We have a team of experts who provide solutions to your investment and
on how to generate daily profits while you are are investing with us.

Plan A

  • 10% Every 7 Days
  • $1000 to $10000
  • Automatic Withdrawal

Plan B

  • 30% Every 7 Days
  • $11,000 to $30,000
  • Automatic Withdrawal

Plan A

  • 84% Every 7 Days
  • $40,000 to $100,000
  • Automatic Withdrawal

Register to Start Investing

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Webul Boast Of A Highly Professional Experienced Team That Knows The Core Traditional Investment And Cryptofinance Market.

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